E-mail: info@iftinfoundation.org | Mobile: +252 (0)615507800


29 Jul 2020

Country Graduates Survey of 2019

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29 Jul 2020

Iftin Foundation oo soo Bandhigtay Tirada Qalinjebiyeyaasha Dugsiyada iyo Jaamacadaha Dalka.

(Muqdisho – 29 July 2020) Hay’adda Iftin Foundation ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo bandhigtay warbixin-sanadeedkii ay ka diyaarin jirtay tirada ardeyda ka baxday dugsiyada iyo jaamacadaha dalka.

Munaasabadda lagu soo bandhigayay Sahankan oo lagu qabtay Akadeemiyada Cilmiga, Fanka & Suugaanta waxaa ka soo qeyb galay mas’uuliyiin ka kala socotay Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hidaha iyo Tacliinta Sare, Wasaaradda Shaqada iyo Arrimaha Bushadda, Wasaaradda Haweenka iyo Xuquuqul Insaanka, Wasaaradda Qorshaynta iyo Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha, Xaafiiska Ra’isul Wasaaraha, Mas’uuliyiin ka socotay Jaamacadaha Dalka, Ururrada Jaamacadaha sida Somali REN iyo ASU “Association of Somali Universities”, Dalladaha waxbarashada oo ay ka socdeen FPENS iyo SAFE, araday iyo marti Sharaf kale.

Waxaa halkaa hadal ka jeediyay Wasiiru Dowlaha Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha & Tacliinta Sare, Md. C/raxmaan Maxamuud Cabdulle “Jaabiri” oo ku ammaanay ugana mahadceliyay Hay’adda Iftin Foundation dadaalka ay gelisay soo bandhigidda xogtaan oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay tahay mid muhiim u ah bulshada Soomaaliyeed.

“Daraasaddan waxaa ku jira xogo waxtar u leh guud ahaan bahda Waxbarshada, Ganacsatada iyo Dowladdaba” ayuu yiri Wasiir Jaabiri oo intaa ku daray inay Wasaaradda Waxbarashada xogtan tixgelinayso, kuna dhaqmayso”.

Wasiirka oo xigaynay daraasaddan ayaa sheegay in wax lagu farxo aysan ahayn in kulliyadaha Xannaanada Xoolaha, Beeraha, kheyraadka badda iyo cilmiga dhulka “Geology” oo ay dadka Soomaaliyeed baahi wayn u qabaan ay ka mid noqdaan kulliyadaha ugu ardayda yar, wuxuuna ugu baaqay bahda waxbarashada, waalidiinta iyo ardayda Soomaaliyeed in ay xoogga saaraan barashada kulliyadaha dalkeena faa’iidada dhaqaale iyo mid horumarba u leh.

Waxaa kaloo halkaas ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Ha’yadda Iftin Foundation Mudane C/llaahi Maxamed Xasan “Black” oo sheegay in daraasaddan ay tahay tii afaraad oo xiriir ah oo ay hay’addu soo bandhigto, wuxuuna xusay in xogtaan laga soo ururiyay 52 Jaamacadood oo ku kala yaalla ilaa 15 magaalo oo ka kala tirsan dawlad-goboleedyada Puntland, GalMudug, HirShabelle, Koonfur Galbeed, Jubbaland, iyo Gobolka Banaadir.

Waxaa kaloo halkaas ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Akadeemiyada Cilmiga, Fanka iyo Suugaanta Mudane C/qaadir Nuur Xuseen “Maax”, Guddoomiyaha Ururka Bangiyada Soomaaliyeed C/llaahi Macallin Axmed “Sabaax”, Eng. Axmed Daahir Siyaad oo ka socday SomaliRen iyo Agaasimaha FPENS Mudane C/risaaq Max’ed Sh. C/llaahi “Nadaara”

Tirada Guud ee ardayda sanadkii hore 2019 ka soo qalinnjebisay Jaamacadaha dalka waxay gaarayaan 15,927 ayday, oo 5,723 ay gabdho yihiin, halka 10,204 ay yihiin Wiilal. Waxaa sidoo kale xogta lagu soo bandhigay Sahanka qalinjebiyeyaasha in seddaxda kulliyadood ee ay ka soo baxeen ardeyda ugu badan ay kala yihiin:
1) Public Administration, 2) Business Administration iyo 3) Computer Science/IT, halka seddaxda kulliyadood ee ugu ardeyda yar ay kala yihiin:
1) Dentistry, 2) Pharmacology iyo 3) Statistics and Planning.

Dhinaca magalooyinka, Muqdisho ayaa noqotay halka ugu badan ay ardaydu wax ku barteen, waxaa jaamacadaha Muqdisho ka soo baxday arday gaaraysa 12,753 ardey oo u dhiganta 80.07%, waxaana ku soo xigay magaalooyinka Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo, Baledweyne, Kismaayo iyo Baydhabo.

Dhaka kale waxaa markii labaad Sahanka lagu soo bandhigay tirada ardayda ka soo qalinjebisay Dugsiyada Sare, waxaa sanad-dugsiyeedkii 2018/19, ka soo baxaday dugsiyada sare ardey gaareysa 38,627, iyadoo xogtaana laga soo ururiyay 8 dalladood oo ka hawlgala dalka.

Iftin Foundation oo tan iyo 2012 ka hawlgaleysay arrimaha horumarinta waxbarashada ayaa sidoo kale soo bandhigtay adeegyo kale oo loogu talogalay bahda waxbarashada, sida barnaamijka Naqtiin oo ah mobile app loogu talagalay ardeyda wax ka barata dugsiyada iyo jaamacadaha, Diiwaanka Cinwaannada Waxbarashada, eCheck Somalia oo ah adeeg lagu hubiyo shahaadooyinka dugsiyada iyo jaamacadaha dalka, Joblink oo soo bandhiga shaqooyinka bannaan iyo adeegyo kale.

29 Jul 2020

Sahanka Jaamacadaha 2019

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9 Feb 2020

Iftin Foundation Achievements

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9 Feb 2020

Sahanka Qalin-jabiyayaasha Jaamacadaha Dalka ee sanada 2017

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5 Feb 2020

Celebration Impact Award Event

On 3rd February 2020, IFTIN FOUNDATION have organized most amazing and attractive celebration impact award event here Mogadishu, almost 200 hundred participants from Government, Business corporates, banks, civil Society, youth organizations, next Economy alumni and award campaigners have attended the celebration impact event. During the celebration was presented the inclusive summarized achievement made by The Next Economy program as video animation documentary by large screen in the venue, while partially presented how the award competition was managed and the processed engaged by the International jury at all locations of The Next Economy including Mogadishu.

This is the most amazing impact award held in Mogadishu. The Director of Social Affairs of the Office of the Prime Minister of Somalia Maryan Aden Amin has highlighted that The Next Economy project is most impactful one compared with such kinds of programs, while all other  speakers at event congratulated the winner and they also praised The Next Economy on Somali young people and efforts and the talents that Iftin Foundation doing for Somali youth development.

During the event was engaged media outlets through TVs, local radios, Social media campaigns using hashtag of #TNE_IMPACTAWARD2020 through Facebook pages and twitter.

Finally, was announced that Samsam Osman Ali owned Ilyasin Medical Center is The Next Economy Impact Award winner 2020 referring the decision of international jury while there was no one knew the winner even her and very beautiful award card awarded within the venue in front of huge people. Samsam was also gave within the celebration event with bank cheque writing the amount of money she won ($5,300) as the same rate that bank converted into dollars when received. Samsam has taken the money within yesterday from the banks.



11 Dec 2019

Enhancing PWD’s Accessibility on Public and Political Participation Conference

IFTIN Foundation held one day conference of Enhancing PWD’s Accessibility on Public life and Political Participation on 11th December, 2019 at Riham hotel Mogadishu which its objectives was to establish atmosphere that Government institutions, Civil Society groups, Business Leaders and PWDs representatives able to meet and discuss the public participation of People with Disabilities. The conference that attended 162 participants from;

1. Ministry of Public Works and reconstruction.
2. Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development
3. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
4. Ministry of Youth and Sports
5. Somali Non-State Actors (SONSA)
6. Somali Chamber of Commerce and Industry
7. Somali Bankers Union
8. Universities
9. PWD CSOs.

The event started to share the concept note with participants by the Chairman of Iftin Foundation while secondly IFTIN presented the findings from assessment on key public spaces accessibilities for People with Disabilities in September this year and the participants noted that over 70% of reached spaces were note accessible for PWDs. The key speakers from the different institutions discussed their point of views on the disabled people and they inclusively welcomed the conference and information shared, they have rated that issue of PWDs is national issue while they have promised they will take visible positive actions.

During the conference was engaged panel discussion participated 6 (4 male/2 female) panelists including two disable people which they have debated possible steps on PWD’s issues that able to be turned into actions focused on accessibility and National Disable act. The panel that included Director General of Ministry of Public works and reconstruct were asked more questions objective and constructed questions by Disable people group and the panel prolong importance of the questions and answered relative.

Hassan Ahmed Shirwa’ Director General of Ministry of Public Works and Reconstruction said “PWDs issue is national and the Ministry of Public and Reconstruction will pave the way how public spaces to be included accessible facilities with PWDs” Abdi Abshir Dore the Director Somali Chamber of Commerce and Industry said “any activities from Businesses should be accessible and provide required service simple by the order of chamber”

Media TV outlet


Twitter link:

#FURSAD_SII_NAAFADAMaanta oo ay taariikhdu Tahay 11/12/2019 waxaa magaalada Muqdisho ka socda shir ballaaran oo ay ka…

Posted by Iftin Foundation on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

#FURSAD_SII_NAAFADAIftin Foundation waxay qabatay 11kii December, 2019 shir wayn oo laysugu keenay hay'adaha dowladda,…

Posted by Iftin Foundation on Sunday, December 15, 2019



3 Dec 2019

Commemoration of International Disability day on 3th December 2019.

IFTIN Foundation In collaboration with Somali Disability Cluster have collectively organized and facilitated world Commemoration of International Disability Day on 3th, December 2019 in Mogadishu. The event was held at Ramada hotel in Mogadishu where 60 (17 female/43male) people with disabilities have fully attended as well as the facilitated representative from the partners while the objective of the event was to acknowledge the importance of disability day and address the key issues regarding the PWDs in Somalia.

The event was officially opened by Representative from IFTIN Foundation and Somali Disability Cluster addressed the about challenges faced by disability people in accessing public places and benefit the service opportunities.  Disable participants discussed they are excluded from political and social participation and discriminated from all forms of social development because of their physical image.

Abdullahi Hassan the chairman Somali Disability who was discussing the importance of commemorating the Disability Day said “we are here to celebrate the International Disability Day and share with international disabilities that we are still alive and doing our own struggle for finding better live though our government and people are not aware our painful issues”

During the event was implemented panel discussion which participated group of six (6) people including one lady and debated;

  1. One decade of CRPD ratification advocacy
  2. The so far progress of CRPD implementation in Somalia
  3. Why national disability act was not implemented yet by government

The participants asked the panel relevant and objective questions related ways can empower people with disabilities in Somalia and panel group analyzed constructively with the topics and answered the questions from the participants.
