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31 Jan 2024

Education Financing Observartory Workshop

The Iftin Foundation successfully concluded the two-day training workshop, centering on education financing observatory techniques with a particular emphasis on the crucial role of transparency in education funding. The workshop concentrated into the significance of transparency as a key component for influencing policy decisions in the realm of education financing. Participants gained insights into how transparency directly impacts the effectiveness and accountability of education financing, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the intricate dynamics involved.

Furthermore, the workshop shed light on the pivotal role that civil society organizations play in enhancing transparency within education financing. By contributing actively to the discourse, these organizations serve as catalysts for positive change, ensuring that policies align with the best interests of the community. The discussions also provided an opportunity to assess the current status of education financing transparency in Somalia, offering valuable insights into areas that require attention and improvement. Overall, the event served as a platform for fostering collaboration and understanding among stakeholders dedicated to advancing transparent education financing practices in Somalia.

2 Aug 2023

Sahanka Qalinjebiyayaasha Dalka ee 2022

Hay’adda Iftin Foundation ayaa soo bandhigtay tirakoob ku saabsan ardayda ka qalinjebisay jaamacadaha dalka sanadkii 2022.

02, Agoosto 2023

Hay’adda Iftin Foundation ayaa soo bandhigtay daraasad ay ka samaysay ardaydii sanadkii hore ee 2022-kii ka soo qalinjebisay jaamacadaha dalka, taas oo ah markii Todobaad ee ay hay’addu ka sameyso dalka oo dhan.

Daraasaddan oo ah mid sanadle ah oo ay hay’adda Iftin soo saarto, ayaa sanadkan waxaa ka qaybqaatay 69 jaamacdood oo ku kala yaalla 14 magaalo oo dalka ka mida kuwaas oo kala ah:
1- Muqdisho,
2- Baydhabo,
3- Boosaaso,
4- Garoowe,
5- Baladweyne,
6- Hargeysa,
7- Burco,
8- Kismaayo,
9- Gaalkacyo,
10- Dhuusomareeb,
11- Laascaanood,
12- Cabudwaaq,
13- Jowhar, iyo
12- Marka.

Ardayda guud ahaan sanadkii 2022kii ka soo qalinjebisay Jaamacadaha dalka ayaa gaaraya illaa 25,230 arday, iyadoo tirada gabdhaha ay ahayd 9196 oo wadarta guud ka ah 36.54%. Halka tirada wiilashuna ahaayeen 16,034 oo wadarta guud ka ah 63.46%.

Sahankan ayaa sidoo kale lagu muujiyay guud ahaan magacyada kulliyadaha ay ardaydaasi ka soo qalinjebiyeen, kuwaas oo gaaraya 29 kulliyadood.

Xogtu waxay muujineysaa in afarta kulliyadood ee ay ka soo baxeen ardeyda ugu badan ay kala yihiin:-

1. Computer Science (IT & BIT) soo ay ka soo baxeen 3,136 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 12.43%.
2. Nursing & Midwifery oo ay ka soo baxeen 2,945 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 11.67%
3. Public Administration oo ay ka soo baxeen 2,672 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 10.59%.
4. Business Administration sida Accounting, Human Resources, Banking & Finance) oo tirada ka soo baxday ay gaareyso 1,966 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 7.79%;

Halka Afarta kulliyadood ee ay ka soo baxeen ardayda ugu tirada yar ay kala ahaayeen:-
1. Aviation oo ay ka soo baxeen 34 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 0.13%.
2. Statistics and Planning oo ay ka soo baxeen 37 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 0.14%.
3. Social Science oo ay ka soo baxeen 43 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 0.17%;
4. Marine and Maritime oo ay ka soo baxeen 58 arday oo wadarta guud ka ah 0.22% .

Sahanka waxaa kaloo lagu soo bandhigay tirada gabdhaha iyo wiilasha iyo sida ay ku kala badan yihiin kulliyad kasta. Waxaana soo baxday in gabdhaha ugu badan ay ka soo qalinjebiyeen afarta kulliyadood ee kala ah:-

Gabdhaha ugu badan waxay ka soo qalinjebiyeen afartan kulliyadood:-
1. Nursing & Midwifery (2,442 gabdhood)
2. Public Health (892 gabdhood)
3. Medical Laboratory (881 gabdhood)
4. Public Administration (653 gabdhood)

Halka wiilasha ugu badan ay ka soo qalinjebiyeen afarta kulliyadood ee kala ah:-
1. Computer Science & IT (2,602 wiil)
2. Public Administration (2,019 wiil)
3. Business Administration (1,406 wiil)
4. Banking and Accounting (1,183 wiil)

Sidoo kale waxaa warbixintan lagu xusay sida magaalooyinka dalka ay ugu kala tiro badnaayeen soo saaridda ardeyda soo dhameysay jaamacadaha. Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa noqotay magaalada ay ka soo baxeen qalinjebiyeyaashii ugu tirada badanaa, waxaana Jaamacadaha Muqdisho ku yaala ka soo baxay arday gaaraysa 18,047 arday una dhiganta (71.53%), waxaana ku soo xigta magaalada Boosaaso oo soo saartay 3,560 oo u dhiganta 14.11%, halka magaalada ugu yar ee soo saartay ardayda ugu yar ay noqotay magaalada Laascaanood oo ay ka soo qalinjebiyeen 8 arday una dhiganta 0.03% oo keliya.

Madaxa Barnaamijyada C/qaadir Macallin Max’ed iyo Xiiriiriyaha Barnaamijyada Hay’adda Iftin Foundation oo goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in daraasaddani hadafkeedu yahay sidii loo ogaan lahaa tirada ardayda ka soo baxda jaamacadaha dalka, aqoonta ay soo barteen, deegaannada ay ku nool yihiin, tirada wiilasha iyo gabdhaha. Sidoo kale waxay xogtani sahleysaa in la ogaan karo sida ay isugu dhigmaan fursadaha shaqo ee dalka ka jira iyo tirada ardayda soo qalinjebisay ee shaqo doonka ah.

Dhinaca kale waxaa soo bandhigidda xogtan wehliyay dood cilmiyeed ay ka soo qabgaleen aqoonayanno iyo mas’uuliyiin ka kala socday jaamacada dalka iyo Wasaaradda waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare , waxaana looga dooday qodobbada ay ka mid ahaayeen: sababaha keenay in sanad kastaa 4 kulliyadood ay ardaydeena ugu badani ka soo baxaan, sidoo kale waxaa laga dooday sidii ardayda loogu dhiirigelin lahaa doorashada kulliyadaha faa’iidada u leh dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka dalka, sida Kulliyadda Beeraha, Xannaanada Xoolaha, Kalluumaysiga, Waxbarashada iyo Statistics and Planning.

Xafladda oo ay ka soo qaybgaleen marti sharaf kala duwan, waxaa goobta ka hadlay;
1. Abdulkadir Moalim Mohamed ( madaxa barnaamijyada Iftin Foundation).

2. Shaafici Diriye Abdi (Guddoomiye Ku xigeenka Jaamacadda SIU).

3. Yaasiin Maxamed Cibaar (Agaasimaha ururka bangiyada Soomaaliyeed).

4. Cabdullahi Macallin Axmed Sabaax (Masuul sare oo ka tirsan bangiyada Soomaaliyeed).

5. Prof. Xuseen Macallin Iimaan (Madaxda Bulshada Rayidka ah).

6. Maryan Aadan Amiin (Agaasimaha Arrimaha bulshada Xafiiska Raiisalwaaraha).

7. Ismail Yuusuf Cisman (Agaasimaha Tacliinta sare ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare).

8. Xildhibaan Luul Ibraahim Cumar.

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2 Aug 2023

Universities Graduate in Somalia in 2022.

Iftin Foundation has presented yearly study on number of graduate students from the universities in Somalia in 2022.

02, August 2023

The Iftin Foundation has presented a yearly study on the students who graduated from the country’s universities in the year of 2022. It’s the 7th year that the Iftin Foundation has been conducting this study at universities across the Somalia. The study has reached 69 universities in 14 cities in Somalia, namely as Mogadishu, Baidoa, Bosaso, Garowe, Baladweyne, Hargeisa, Burco, Kismayo, Galkayo, Dhusamareb, Las’anod, Abudwaq, Jowhar and Marka.

The study noted that 25,230 students who obtained their first university degree in 2022, while the graduate number of 2021 was 20,250 student. The number of female graduates was 9,196 (36.54%) of the total, while the number of male graduates was 16,034 (63.46%) of the total. The study also showed that 29 colleges/faculties produced these graduates.

The data shows that the four colleges/faculties that produced the most students are:-

  1. Computer Science, IT and BIT that produced 3,136 students (12.43%) out of total.
  2. Nursing & Midwifery from 2,945 students (11.67%) out of total.
  3. Public Administration from 2,672 students (10.59%) out of total.
  4. Business Administration from 1,966 students (7.79%) out of the total.

While the four colleges/faculties that produced the least number of students were:-

  1. Aviation with 34 students (0.13%) out of a total.
  2. Statistics and Planning from 37 students (0.14%) out of a total.
  3. Social Science with 43 students (0.17%) out of a total.
  4. Marine and Maritime from 58 students (0.22%) out of the total.

The study analyzed how male and female graduates are differ in each college and it turned out that most of the girls/female graduated from the following four colleges:-

  1. Nursing & Midwifery (2,442 female)
  2. Public Health (892 female)
  3. Medical Laboratory (881 female)
  4. Public Administration (653 female)

While most of the male graduated from the following four colleges:-1.      Computer Science & IT (2,602 male)2.      Public Administration (2,019 male)3.      Business Administration (1,406 male)4.      Banking and Accounting (1,183 male )In this study report mentioned, how the cities of Somalia had produced the numbers of students who graduated from universities. Mogadishu is the city that produced the most graduates, that universities in Mogadishu produced 18,047 graduates (71.53%), followed by the city of Bosaso, which produced 3,560 students, equivalent to 14.11%, while the smallest city that produced the least number of students was the city of Lasa’anod, which graduated 8 students, equivalent to only 0.03%.Abdiwali Mohamed Ahmed, the Program Coordinator of Iftin Foundation has presented the study to the large audience and senior guests represent from government, civil society, international/national NGOs, civil society, private sector and university leaders. He discussed that the main purpose of this study is to find out the number of students who graduated from universities in the country, the knowledge they have learned, and the areas they have studied, the number of male and female graduates. This information also makes it easier to find out how the job opportunities in the country match with the number of graduates who are looking for a jobs.The event was attended by various dignitaries, who spoke on the spot and were include; 1.      Abdulkadir Moalim Mohamed, Program Manager of Iftin Foundation.2.      Mary Aden Amin, Director of Social Affairs in the Prime Minister’s Office.3.      Ismail Yusuf Osman, Director of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education of the Federal Government of Somalia.4.      MP Luul Ibrahim Omar, a member of the Somali People’s Assembly.5.      Shafi’i Diriye Abdi, Vice President of SIU University.6.      Yasin Mohamed Ibaar, Executive Director of the Somali Bankers Association.7.      Abdullahi Moallim Ahmed (Sabah), senior member of Somali banks.8.      Prof. Hussein Moallin Iman, one of the civil society leaders.On the other hand, the presentation of this study was accompanied a panel discussion by academics, private sector and government officials and has discussed the reasons that every year 4 colleges/fault produce most students, it was also discussed how to encourage students to choose with faculties that are beneficial for the economy and development of the country, such as Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and veterinary, Fisheries, Education and Statistics and Planning.


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11 Jul 2023

Somalia protection cluster meeting on July, 2023

Iftin Foundation is glad to participate a Somalia Protection Cluster meeting that held today on 11 July, 2023 at UNHCR compound in Aden Adde International Airport, Mogadishu.
This meeting was national monthly meeting that many organisations working on the field have participated and meeting comprised inclusive relevant humanitarian and urgent needs information in the country, and touched all the Federal Members States including Somaliland and Banadir. The participant organisations discussed how important to respond an urgent needs.
7 Jun 2023

Education Policy Analysis training

Iftin Foundation concluded two-day Education Policy Analysis training was discussed how education acts and policies of Somalia to be integrity, inclusive and consistent according to specific circumstances in the country, while all the citizens could have their education rights and learning opportunities.
During the two-day of the training, practical lessons and discussions were shared and finally were issued related joint statements on respecting and promoting education for disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the country somalia including Education for underprivileged children, Education for disabled children and education for girls, as well as the education opportunities for adults.
Iftin Foundation is registered social entrepreneurship organisation works on education development advocacy, peace and participation in politics and Public life, through community and stakeholders engagement, trainings, organising forums, continuous studies and other innovation means.



18 May 2023

Iftin Foundation received delegate from OXFAM Denmark who has been in visit to Mogadishu.

Mogadishu, Thursday, May 18, 2023: The Iftin Foundation received representatives from EFASOM together with Mr. Asaph Ivan, who is a Regional Finance Manager of OXFAM Denmark who has been in a visit to Mogadishu to assess the ongoing programs implementing EFASOM Coalition of education for all Somalia, which Iftin Foundation is member of.

A join delegate assessed Iftin Foundation’s office and ongoing activities related education services that Iftin Foundation provides. Mr. Asaph Ivan from OXFAM Denmark praised the efforts that Iftin Foundation pays to the education sector to make field positive change.

Iftin Foundation is a national registered organization that works on community development while particularly focused on peace building, youth empowerment and education development through skills of creativity and innovation means.


17 May 2023

Training on National Education Budget Tracking Analysis.

Iftin Foundation together with Education For All Somalia (EFASOM) has organized two day consecutive workshop (16th – 17th May) on national education budget tracking analysis for EFASOM Coalition members, other civil society members, and representatives from Ministry of Education and Higher Education of the Federal Government of Somalia. This workshop was intended for participants to acquire knowledge, situational understanding, and education sector analysis capacity on national budget tracking, in order to advocate the education rights of Somali disadvantaged people in the country who lack for their education opportunities to contribute peace building, social cohesion and economic growth.

This training attended 30 active members representing various organizations and institutions working on education advocacy and development. During the workshop, attended a delegate from OXFAM Denmark led by Byamukama Asaph Ivan, who is a Regional Finance Manager of OXFAM Denmark and discussed with the participants how important like this workshop to advance sector knowledge and civil society capacity in decision making participating, while praised Iftin Foundation role of expertise and cultivating with EFASOM Coalition members to be active actors, contributors and ambassadors of their operation field.

The training concluded successfully and participants requested to continue such these workshop on education budget tracking analysis and other education policy analysis and they requested Iftin Foundation and EFASOM to continue such these workshops in order coalition members to become skillful and professional people those able to handle their educational advocacy campaigns. They also thanked and appreciated to Out-loud project and OXFAM Denmark for their funding and support and they promised they will double their activities and operation on education campaigns.




4 Apr 2023

Multimedia Training for the journalism students at the Somali National University

Mogadishu, Saturday, March 4, 2023: The Iftin Foundation and the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) have jointly organized and launched one-month long Multimedia training for the students from the Faculty of Journalism at the Somali National University in Mogadishu, Somalia. Forty students from the Faculty of Journalism of the Somali National University participated in the launching event at the Center of Iftin Foundation in Mogadishu, Somalia. The main purpose of Multimedia training is to improve the capacity of students to learn journalism on practical writing skills. The short workshop will also cover writing reports, news-package, and editing audio and video recordings.


Negeye Ali Khalif, Head of the faculty of Journalism of the Somali National University, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General FESOJ, Abdullahi Mohamed Hassan (Black) , Chairman of Iftin Foundation and Mohamed Mohamud Adde, Veteran former BBC journalists and Political Analyst were the key dignitaries participating in the kick-off for the event. In his opening remarks, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ, pointed out the importance of the Multimedia training program and what to expect to achieve by the end of the capacity-building program. On his part, Abdullahi Mohamed Hassan (Black), Chairman of the Iftin Foundation, has briefly introduced the mission of the Iftin Foundation and how the Multimedia training program will be organized and implemented.

Furthermore, Mohamed Mohamud Adde, a Veteran former BBC journalist and Political Analyst speaking at the event, briefly explained the format of writing reports and daily events.

In conclusion, Negeye Ali Khalif, Head of the faculty of Journalism of the Somali National University, in his official launching speech, has urged the students studying journalism to take advantage of the multimedia training program and better use of their skills to write reports that are different from those written by the untrained journalists.