25 +

Years Of Experience

Amazing Company

We’re a Trusted and Professional Insurance Company

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudanti totam aperiam eaquecy epsa abillo inventore veritatis architecto beatae

8563 +

Saticfied Custimer

263 +

Experience Team

Great Offer For Customer

Amazing Insurance Services

Life insurance

Life insurance

Contract between a life insurance company and a…

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Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

A travel insurance policy is a versatile plan…

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House Insurance

House Insurance

A home insurance policy will cover the cost…

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Fire Insurance

Fire Insurance

Owns a property or has even rented a…

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Amazing Company

We Help you Build and Grow Your Business

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam eaque epsa quae abillo inventore veritatis architecto beatae

On the other hand denoue with right indignation

At vero eos et accu samus dignissimos ducimus

Nam libero tempore cums soluta nobis cumque

Blame belongs those Who duty through weakness

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Company Statistics Analysis

Great Achievement For Insurance

8563 +

Satisfied Custimer

100 %

Saticfied Custimer

2630 +

Experience Team

963 +

Awards Winning

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We’ve 1520+ Global Premium Clients

Founded in 2012 in Mogadishu, Iftin Foundation catalyzes change and fosters development through education, empowerment, and community support. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to unlocking the potential within our society by providing pathways for education, skill development, entrepreneurship, shelter, and advocacy. Our name, Iftin, meaning ‘light’ in Somali, reflects our mission to illuminate the path to progress and knowledge in a region ready to emerge from the shadows of its challenging past. We are committed to nurturing a future where everyone can access the tools and opportunities needed to succeed. Our integrated approach ensures that we address both immediate needs and long-term goals, aiming to build a resilient and self-reliant community.
© 2024 Iftin Foundation. All Rights Reserved.