On 19th September 2018, Iftin Foundation have organized the inspirational day of 4th batch of the Next Economy program in Mogadishu together with SOS Somalia team. As usual a lots of organizations and institutions’ representatives, civil society members, University unions, business companies and independent inspirational activities as well as the 100 new participants (equal gender) attended the inspiration Session.
Abdulkadir Mohamed, Iftin Foundation project manager and Abdirahman Hassan, SOS TNE project coordinator explained the objectives of the TNE program, what it solves and the expectation from the program to participants. They have underscored that the Next Economy is precious chance for Somali young elite for both skills cultivation and economic development.
The invited guests welcomed and praised the value like this TNE program in Somalia, thanked and appreciated to the Next Economy partners while congratulated to the new participants for their given valuable opportunity. The end, independent motivators shared their expertise with new enrolled participants.
The evaluation of the event was perfect and all the participants credited as the best.