On 28 August 2018, Iftin Foundation have organized the third batch bootcamp occasion which have invited with three external business scholars and participated nineteen (19) participants in this batch which have arranged three rooms which supposed to interact with invitees and the fresh entrepreneurs finished this third batch entrepreneurship training those split three groups.
The program started at 9:00am Somalia time groups met the experts by listened their advice and asked questions regarding the potential obstacles surround their opportunities and the best/suitable ways can overcome. Every group had allocated 45 minutes to meet and discuss with every external business scholar while meeting three different people and every group had enough time to be inspired and asked for their concerns and willing. Meeting, discussion and inspiration concluded at 11:15am, then 15 minutes for photo group preparation while program was officially closed at 11:30am.
Dayah Ahmed Adawe, the head if Daqare Travel Agency based in Mogadishu from London UK, Si’id Hagar Amalow, the founder and Manager of Giyajo Hotel in Mogadishu from Birmingham UK and the Qadra Abdullahi Ahmed, Owner and founder Kiish Coconut Factory in Mogadishu from Amsterdam Netherland were the third batch bootcamp invitees and they objectively encouraged and inspired with the participants.
These entrepreneurs will establish soon their own business.