Iftin Foundation organized a high-level data presentation and validation event, related to disadvantaged children in Mogadishu IDP camps who don’t have appropriate education opportunities research study. This study conducted by Iftin Foundation collaborating with EFASOM coalition and carry out 16 IDP camps in 9 districts Mogadishu as a sample size. This study were interviewed 119 IDP families randomly and 73.1% of them responded that their children don’t go to school. Also this study reached 486 children and 82.5% of these children don’t have education as by the study respondents. In the study was noted that 82.4% of these children missed school for the sake of financial problem. Another shock message that have realized in this study was that 24.4% become drug addict after they missed school.
This data presentation and validation event were attended by representatives from EFASOM coalition members, education stakeholders and civil society activists and they have discussed data and they finally added their relevant input and suggestion before to publish.